Plastic Surgery Advisor

Breast reconstruction
Despite advancements in targeting mastectomies, many women who need to have breast tissue removed will feel unhappy about the appearance of their breasts following the surgery. The loss of breast tissue and the surface scarring resulting from a mastectomy cause cosmetic problems that can be psychologically devastating. While there is no guarantee that a woman's breasts can be restored to their pre-surgery appearance, breast reconstruction procedures go a long way towards allowing mastectomy patients to again feel comfortable with their breasts.

Reconstructive breast surgery reliability
The high number of women who choose to undergo breast reconstruction makes it one of the more common reconstructive procedures. Breast augmentation is a very popular cosmetic procedure even among women with healthy breasts-which means that there is no shortage of surgeons who have excellent experience working with breast implants. Although in some cases the procedure may need to be carried out in several stages, the probability of a successful reconstruction is often quite good. The type and extent of the mastectomy has a strong bearing on what results can be expected following reconstruction.

Breast cancer reconstruction
There are several diseases that can necessitate a mastectomy as a means of treatment, but breast cancer is by far the most common. Breast reconstruction prices should not be an obstacle for women with insurance-the law requires insurance companies to cover reconstruction for women who have needed mastectomies. Cancer is a disease that progresses in stages, moving through different systems within the body. Depending on the malignancy and the advancement of the cancer, anything from a single tumor to the entire breast mound and its component glandular systems may need to be removed. Some women choose aggressive mastectomies-and even preemptive mastectomies for women who are genetically likely to develop breast cancer are not unheard of.

Official Resources:
Breast Reconstruction - University of Pennsylvania Plastic Surgery Division
Masectomy - Medline Plus
Advice on Reconstructive Breast Surgery - Walter Reed Army Medical Center





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